By the KNOC-SS Founder/Executive Director Mr. Dominic Living Wawa


Brethren in Christ, followers and well-wishers! First and foremost I thank God who gave me life and sustains it. Without the grace of God to grant me good health I could not have managed to talk to you. And I also want to thank the management of Equatoria TV for giving me an opportunity to share in this point of importance though yesterday the network could not allow me to come in. My name is Dominic Living Wawa the Founder of kikiji National Orphanage Centre-South Sudan and I am from South Sudan, 


Kikiji National Orphanage Centre-South Sudan is a small registered non political, Charity and non-profit making organization registrated with the government of South Sudan with the means to reach out to abandoned and orphaned children living in South Sudan. The effects of long-lasting wars and turmoil in the country of South Sudan gave rise to the current political situation which led to many lives being taken and many children living with no guidance, care, and love. As an organization, we have experienced the same hardship but through Christ we have managed to prevail and live on to tell our stories. As survivors our duty lies in saving these children from the cycle of generational trauma by giving them a second chance in life to achieve their dream and strive for a better future. 


Our vision is to ensure that no child suffers or perishes from neglect, abuse or deprivation and that every child grows up in a loving centre.


Our mission is to aid orphans and other vulnerable children in from South Sudan, providing substantial care, food, education, safety and security, and health care to enrich their lives and help them realize their strength and their potential to stand in this time.


We believe that every child deserves a loving centre, a family and parents or caretakers who cater to the child’s physical and emotional well-being as well as their development. We believe that children belong in centers and families and not in institutions. Among our core values are love, care, compassion, and philanthropy.


The idea of Kikiji National Orphanage Centre-South Sudan was conceived by our own life experiences of  hardship and growing as orphan/street children, as mentioned from my person life story but through Christ we have managed to prevail and live on to tell our stories. As survivors our duty lies in saving these children from the cycle of generational trauma by giving them a second chance in life to achieve their dream and strive for a better future. It is our conviction that children should grow up fully integrated into the community. 


We kikiji National Orphanage Centre believe in this two group of orphans; an orphan and social orphan basing on the Biblical principles and the Union Nations policy on orphans.

• Orphan: A child 0-17 whose mother (maternal orphans) or father (paternal orphans) or both (double orphans) are dead.

• Social Orphan: A child whose parents might be alive but are no longer fulfilling few if any of their parental duties (e.g., drug addicts who are separated from their children with little chance of reunion, parents who are sick or abusive or who, for other reasons, have abandoned or largely neglect their children).



Thank you Equatoria TV for bringing this up so that people will know why is it important to help orphans and All of us know that over the past decade, the number of orphans and vulnerable children speacilly  living in South Sudan has been escalating at an alarming rate. In 2013, the number of orphans was estimated to be 1.8 million; in 2016 that number had grown to nearly 2.6 million. Over thousands of those children have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS-related complications, other sickness and some of their parents were killed during the civil war and now they suffer neglect, abuse, lack of parental love, lack of food, high labour demand at home, stigmatised at school because of lack of school uniforms and learning materials to mention but a few are some of the challenges facing orphaned children in our nation South Sudan: 

Dear readers! We all should understand that Helping others is the greatest quality of a human being. There are several ways and numerous styles to aid people who are in need of help.It costs nothing but the person who receives it, gets everything.Meaning:

Help is a word that implies assistance in doing certain kind of work. It can include several factors such as financial help, mental help, physical help, etc. No matter what kind of help you offer, no matter whom you help, it is more important to notice that another person is gaining something just because of you and your help.


We can help orphans in thousands of ways. For instance, if you have little that you can share with the needy then you must offer that little which you have. Allow me talk brift about the above kinds of helps;

Financial help:

Financial help is the one that involves money. There are many people in this world who need financial support. There are many orphans in this Country South Sudan/world who cannot complete their education because of lack of funds. There are many handicapped people in this country who cannot earn enough money to survive.These orphans actually need money to fight against destiny. We must help these orphans who are less fortunate in all possible ways. In this way, we can help someone in achieving success, we can help an orphan in completing his/her education, and we can help a handicapped person to live a restful life.

Mental Help:

The world is full of troubles, tribulations, fear, and many other disastrous conditions. Many people cannot deal with the mental burdens and attempt suicide. In such cases, we must provide moral support to those people. We can motivate them to fight against the terrible situation. We can impress upon them that life is incredibly beautiful and good times are yet to come. This mental support is another form of help.

Physical help:

This term can be explained on the basis of examples. Consider a situation where one old woman is trying to cross a road full of vehicles. We must help her cross the road by stopping the vehicles and making a way for her. Consider another situation where an orphan living on the street is trying to collect the fellen food from your table,. In this case, our responsibility provide for that boy or girl when we have, I was just helped like that my another woman whom upto now I donot know her whether about, It really means a lot to help donating clothes can also be one kind of help. The clothe, money, shetller, education donated by you will definitely save the life of someone who is in need. These are some of the forms of physical help.


Helping others gives pleasure. However, the world is working on a tight schedule and no one possesses time to help others. It is our responsibility to help people who are truly in need of assistance without considering the consequences. Any help always gets counted. Helping others is like helping ourselves, to spread the kindness and to live a peaceful life. Service to people is service to God. And in all this some people are still asking me wrong questions;

One question that people who are new to orphan care ask me frequently is: how can I start an orphanage? That’s the wrong question for me to answer. Why? Because this question presupposes that to care for orphans you need an orphanage rather the best/right questions that I love to hear people ask me;

The right question is: what is the best way to transform the lives of orphans? First, you need to have a vision–a compelling picture of a desirable future for the orphans that you want to help. That vision is your goal. You want to see the children of that community living that beautiful future. Second, get to spend time with them and know their conditions well. Third, then seek God to help you come up with a revised vision of a great future for the kids and their community now that you know so much more about them. This second vision needs to be created with the collaboration of local partners. They have to be co-leaders. Don’t do it alone.

Together with local stakeholders, ask yourselves: What would you love to see these orphans like when they are young adults in their twenties? In their fifties? At the end of their lives? After you have come up with a vision for them, the next step is to ask the question: what is the best way to take them from where they are to where you envision that God wants them to be? To get the right answer to this question, we must ask it with all honesty and not be biased. We must truly surrender our will to God and say, “Lord, whatever you show me as the best way to carry out this vision for the orphans, I will follow even if it goes against what I had thought or desired.”

Whatever answer you get at the end of thorough research of best practices, collaboration with coequal local leaders, committed prayer, and waiting on the Lord, then you should do. If that is starting an orphanage, then jump on it with all your heart. If it’s not, then don’t. Remember, you can’t use faith as a cop out for poor quality work. You can’t be doing something that research by experts in the field clearly shows causes harm to the children and say, “this is what God told me to do.”

I love what Ade have just said yesterday, her goal is serving orphans with the little she has, not opening an orphanage. If you make starting an orphanage your goal, you have lost the battle to help orphans even before you start. Orphans can become the victims of your orphanage, the thing that you use to achieve your dream of starting an orphanage. But if your dream is serving orphans the best way possible, not starting an orphanage for your personal  again, then you are guaranteed to win. And for us as KIKIJI NATIONAL OROHANGE CENTRE our dream for tomorrow is to be a successful servant of our nation. Success to us is not defined only by getting a good job, and making a lot of money. To us it is much more than that. I hope God gives us the power and strength to be successful in helping and serving others. This to me is the essence of freedom, life and happiness. As for my job, it would have to fit my ambitions and dreams.

To the Church (Body of Christ); Early in the Old Testament, we see how essential the care of children who have been orphaned is to God, and from the establishment of his Church in the New Testament, that priority remains evident. This is what the Bible says about orphans and how God teaches us to care for them. 

• Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan.” ( Exodus 22:22)

• “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (, James 1:27)

Conduct us

Thank you for following the work Kikiji National Orphanage Centre-South Sudan is doing to ensure that no child suffers or perishes from neglect, abuse or deprivation and that every child grows up in a loving centre.


Food Program

Nutritional needs for a healthy balanced diet individualized for each child to maintain or gain weight. 


Support for educational needs such a uniforms, fees, and educational materials. 

Safety and Security

Protection in safe housing suitable for orphans. 

Basic housing necessities 

Health Care and Medicine

Providing adequate health care, mental illness care, and medical attention.



As a non-profit organization our foundational goal is to pull at least 50 of orphans in one year of the launch beginning of Jan 2021 through Jan 2022.Through the help from well wishes and other organizations around the globe, all donations will go towards sponsoring these orphans in school tuition and other necessary items i.e., clothing sanitary and accommodation. 


we go around looking for good samaritan like you to support programs.

Our Main challenge is lack of adequate funding to implement our goals and objectives, we therefore appeal for viable information that can help us find funding partners and also broaden our collaboration network.

We have only relied on the members contribution and well-wishers, carently we have many vulnerable children that directily depend on us yet we can not provide for their needs because we have no funds. We appeal to you to assisst us to continue assisting the orphans and vulnerable, we would be very greatful if you accepted or comntributed to help us organization ( charities) we appeal for partnership/funding on our behave so that we may continue helping these poor young ones to discover their destiny,

You can also support us with

1. Clothes

2. Shoes

3. Blankets

4. Sandals

5. Text books

6. Mattress


You can send your contribution to our GoFundMe link Donate through our gofundme link or via westren union, MTN mobile money, world remit and send wave +256784211105


Dominic Living Wawa



Victoria Emmanuel+16127026730



Org. Official Contact

South Sudan office: +211924916124/+25674211105

Minnesota USA: +16127027630


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