Little Things Matters To Little Ones


This year, we are excited to warm up the hearts of orphans in Yei-South Sudan. We have a chance to help bring joy to children who do not have parents. By giving them another chance of been in class with other children and through well wishers support we were able to buy for them a pair of shoe, uniform, exercise books,pens, and pay for their school fees which have transform their lives. Join our initiative to help these children by donating any of the above items.

From November till the end of December 2022, we call on everyone; those who are happy to give freely, those who are willing to make a difference, those whose hearts melt at the sound of a child’s cry and those who relish the cackle of a baby’s laughter, those who appreciate and cherish the precious gifts that children are. We call on YOU to help us make an impact next year 2022 by sending at least 70 orphans to school.



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